Sheils named to Hamline University Dean’s List for Spring 2022
Levi Sheils of Grand Marais qualified for the Hamline University Dean’s List for Spring 2022.
Levi is the son of Nate and Lynn Sheils of Grand Marais.
To qualify, students must earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher and complete a minimum of 16 credit hours. In the Spring 2022 term, students were required to have completed a minimum of 16 credits graded on the standard letter-grade scale for the term.
Pollock named to Hamline University Dean’s List for Spring 2022
Kestrel Pollock of Grand Marais was named to the Hamline University’s College of Liberal Arts Spring 2022 Dean’s List.
Kestrel is the son of Alisa Bems, Grand Marais, and Scott Pollock, Saint Paul, Minnesota
To qualify, students must earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher and complete a minimum of 16 credit hours. In the Spring 2022 term, students were required to have completed a minimum of 16 credits graded on the standard letter-grade scale for the term.
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