Cook County News Herald

New countywide chamber launched at meeting with legislators

“We are excited to announce the launching of the Cook County Chamber of Commerce,” said Howard Hedstrom, a member of the organizing committee and president of Hedstrom Lumber in Grand Marais. “The new chamber will create a single voice representing all county businesses from all sectors.”

“This is a collaborative effort to move the business community beyond traditional business and geographic divisions into a unified effort that will secure a sustainable future for businesses and improve the quality of life and opportunities for residents,” added Norman Deschampe, Chairman, Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

“This new organization, on a county wide scale, builds on recent collaboration within the county’s tourism sector,” said Charles Skinner, Lutsen Mountains. “The Cook County Visitors Bureau just completed its third year. Collaboration has proven to be successful in that arena, and we want to build out from that to encompass the entire Cook County economy.”

Organizers say concerns with an aging population, shrinking workforce, chronic housing shortage, inability of businesses to invest and inadequate public investment have been building for decades. The new chamber is in response to these issues and a desire to move the county forward and improve economic conditions for all residents.

Skinner explained that the organizing committee, comprising more than 20 community leaders from across the county, has worked for the past 10 months outlining the organization’s mission, putting the organizational structure together and developing an operating budget. “The committee has now collected sufficient pledges to form the new chamber and begin the process of hiring a year-round executive director to lead the organization,” said Skinner.

Members of the organizing committee met with Minnesota Sen. Tom Bakk and Rep. David Dill at Lutsen Resort on Tuesday, October 23. At that meeting the formation of the new countywide chamber was announced.

“What we are really trying to accomplish is to reverse trends that have resulted in our own youth either not wanting to return to Cook County or not being able to return due to the same obstacles that are deterring others from making Cook County their home,” added Jan Sivertson, owner of Sivertson Gallery in Grand Marais. “We see this new countywide chamber as the vital link between all businesses, from all sectors and from all regions, to make Cook County an economically sustainable place for new and current residents.”

The new chamber is now accepting applications for the position of executive director. the position will be a half to three-quarters time position. Applications may be sent to .

For more information on how you can join the new chamber, contact Charles Skinner at or 218-349-6117.

According to organizers, the countywide chamber’s mission will include:

. Supporting a countywide economic strategy – A countywide economic strategy is currently being developed by 22 community leaders in collaboration with the Cook County board, the City of Grand Marais and the Cook County – Grand Marais Economic Development Authority (EDA). The chamber will work with public officials and other stakeholders for a countywide economic strategy to become the official blueprint against which to measure future policy and funding decisions in order to strengthen existing businesses and improve or diversify the county’s economy in sustainable ways. . Public policy leadership and advocacy – The chamber will build relationships with key legislators, administrative officials and local, state and national policy makers. The chamber will advocate for Cook County on regulatory and policy issues and legislative proposals, hold local candidate forums and support local public leaders who work to improve economic and socioeconomic conditions for residents. . Business networking and media information – The chamber will provide a forum for networking among businesses within the county, identifying options, sharing concerns, learning from one another and coming up with solutions. The chamber will provide information to the media on economic and socioeconomic issues and the goals and priorities of the chamber. . Funding public investments in Cook County – The chamber will strive to secure local, state and federal appropriations and/or grants for critical investments in our economy and infrastructure.

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