I will share this will you because you are my friend. I have been hazy lately. It’s like my brain is running in mud. If you understand this expression, then maybe we are on the same page. I try to focus, I honestly do. Information just can’t get through the fog. I blame it on several factors. I am not sure if it can be pinpointed to one or if there are several contributors, external and internal.
Examples of this “fog” recently came to light when I entered a room and forgot what I came for. The next thing I know I am distracted by a book or magazine and have wasted a half hour, though time spent reading is never really a waste to me. Sometimes I brush my teeth in the morning, twice. I actually feel the water cup and toothbrush to see if it’s wet. I just can’t remember. I have been accused of telling the same story to my husband and children over and over. In my mind a good story is worth hearing twice, but that is my opinion. When I open packages from Amazon, I don’t know what is inside. I swear I could plan my own surprise party!
This problem became known to my family recently in which will forever be called “Sandy got lost and went to Chisholm” caper. I was going to Duluth to meet my parents for dinner to celebrate my dad’s 82nd birthday. I had my friend Amber along and of course my trusted Google maps. I have driven to Duluth more times than I can tell you but from the beginning I had a fog come over me and left common sense behind. We had decided to dine at Valentini’s. I even called for a 7 p.m. reservation. I pushed directions on my GPS and left Annandale. In Mora, Minnesota the normal route changed, and I continued going North. In McGregor maps took me West instead of East. My only thought was “this must be a shortcut to Hermantown.” I only realized my mistake when I arrived at Valentini’s in Chisholm at 6:55! My parents were happily seated at Valentini’s in Hermantown over an hour away!
Mr. Valentini was very kind and impressed that I visited both his restaurants in the same evening. My family on the other hand is ready to send me to the funny farm. I blame it on seasonal allergy medication. Whatever the cause, if you see me out wandering, remind me I live in South Haven and point me towards home. Peace and Hugs, Sandy
“I just finally discovered what’s wrong with my brain: on the left side there is nothing right and on the right side, there is nothing left.”
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