Cook County News Herald

More profit in war than health care

Did we hear a peep out of the Republicans when Bush was in office? He was spending billions annually for eight years on an elective war, bombing a nation which had not attacked us, and eventually killing more U.S. citizens (our soldiers) than all Americans who died on 9/11. Mission accomplished? And a few got richer.

But now some Republicans are screaming bloody murder when our new president wants to spend serious money to save American lives with an affordable health plan for those who don’t now have health insurance. And those people are not the lazy. Many are working more than one job, or have lost their jobs in the economic collapse caused by Republican approved unregulated banking practices etc.

Oh well, we could just be like Scrooge, who would not give help to the poor (who are now your own neighbor). His solution? “Let them die and reduce the surplus population.”

Basic health care prevents the need for more expensive health care later, which we still end up paying for eventually. Why are we, without massive protests, pouring billions (eventually trillions) into war that kills our people rather than into affordable health care, which will save lives?

Is it because there is more profit for some in war? So they push our buttons with distorted information to get us to protest against our own best interests? Who profits?
Dianne Wachs
Loon Lake
Grand Marais

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