Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program recently awarded $316,147 in grants to 13 projects that protect, preserve and enhance the coastal resources of Lake Superior.
Among the projects are five local grant recipients:
. Arrowhead Regional Development Commission – $14,537 for development of a professional concept design aimed at improving parking and public access at the Temperance River wayside. . Tofte Schroeder Sanitary Sewer District – $11,250 for septic system designs for the Tofte Town Hall and a proposed assisted living facility. . Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District – $14,999 for a stream restoration assessment of Otis Creek and $5,249 for lake monitoring of three lakes near Kimball Creek. . Cook County Historical Society – $40,000 for a maritime heritage exhibit at the Historic Lighthouse Keeper’s Residence. . The North Shore Stewardship Association – $6,250 for sustainably redesigning Sugarloaf Cove Nature Center’s parking area and $4,535 to conduct hands-on training for controlling invasive species along the North Shore of Lake Superior.
An additional $15,000 will be awarded in Short-term Action Request (STAR) grants. These small (up to $5,000) grants will fund a variety of coastal education, outreach and resource management projects throughout the coming year.
Funding for the grants comes from the Coastal Zone Management Act and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. The grants are administered through Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program. As part of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ Ecological and Water Resources Division, the program provides financial and technical assistance for coastal resource management.
For more information about the Coastal Program’s work to preserve, protect and enhance Lake Superior’s coast, visit www.mndnr.gov/ mlscp.
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