Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program is soliciting projects for funding for the 2010 grant cycle. Theprogram provides grants to help balance natural resource protection with the needs of coastal communities to provide places to live, work and recreate.
Projects must show a direct connection with preserving, restoring or enhancing Minnesota’s coastal resources.
Thecoastal area consists of portions of 31 local governments, including the lower St. Louis River, its estuary, Lake Superior, and the North Shore. Approximately $500,000 will be available for grants. The Governor’s Council on Minnesota’s Coastal Program helps establish funding priorities and recommends projects for funding.
Grants can fund projects such as landuse planning, education and interpretation, construction of paths and walkways, urban waterfront revitalization, public access to coastal areas, economic analysis, rehabilitation of cultural and historic buildings and structures, and land or easement acquisition and other projects that address the coastal resources of Lake Superior.
Other examples include costs for field experiences for classroom students such as busing and program fees, and planning for long-term sustainability of coastal communities.
Eligible applicants include local units of government, state agencies, school districts, institutes of higher learning, joint powers boards, nonprofit organizations, area-wide agencies, conservation districts, port authorities, sanitary sewer districts, and tribal governments.
Application forms are available from Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program, 1568 Hwy 2, Two Harbors, MN 55616, or call (218) 834-1447; or download from mndnr.gov/waters/lakesuperior.
Applications are due December 7 for funds available next summer and fall.
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