Cook County News Herald

Minnesota State Horticultural Society sponsors scholarships

The Minnesota State Horticultural Society (MSHS) 8th District is offering three scholarships: $500, $250 and the $500 Sharon Wildung Memorial Scholarship to youth in the MSHS 8th District which includes the counties of Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, and portions of St. Louis.

The Minnesota State Horticultural Society 8th District recognizes “gardening/horticulture” as a healthy lifetime activity. By offering this scholarship to those who have shown an interest in gardening/horticulture, they hope to encourage youth to continue their gardening/horticultural activities throughout their life, as a hobby or vocation.

Applications are due Feb. 15, 2013. The scholarship applicant must exhibit an interest in horticulture/ gardening by writing a 200-500 word essay about his/her horticultural/gardening experiences. To receive an application, contact the local high school, University of Minnesota Extension Office, local garden clubs or write Alice Haglund, 29 Cuyuna Drive, Virginia, MN 55792.

For more information regarding this scholarship or the Minnesota State Horticultural Society 8th District, contact Alice at (218) 749-5516.

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