The Middle School Knowledge Bowl team and friends at the beginning of the season. (L-R, front) Claire Sherburne, Leif Anderson, Elsa Lunde. (L-R, middle) Greg Howe, Levi Sheils, Isak Terrill, Ezra Lunde. (L-R, back) Maya McHugh, Bryn Soland, Linnea Gesch, Billy Hackett, Daphne Lacina. (Not pictured: Team member Wellesley Howard-Larsen and helpers Jake Bilben, Emma Smith, and Genevieve Neuwirth).
The Cook County Middle School Knowledge Bowl teams have completed their 2013 season and both teams advanced to the regional tournament held on November 19, 2013. There were two middle school teams of 7th and 8th graders this year that traveled to Mountain Iron to compete against 24 other teams. Team members were Bryn Soland, Greg Howe, Maya McHugh, Linnea Gesch, Wellesley Howard- Larsen, Leif Anderson, Daphne Lacina, Levi Sheils, Isak Terrill, Ezra Lunde, Elsa Lunde, and Claire Sherburne.
Middle School Knowledge Bowl Coach Dorie Carlson added, “Thank you to Jake Bilben, Emma Smith, Genny Neuwirth, and Billy Hackett for helping out the teams.”
The regular season has two days of competition that involve 48 teams from the Northland from as far south as Moose Lake up to International Falls.
Cook County Team one placed second and third in two meets, while Team Two had a top ranking of 6th place in one meet.
Only the top 24 teams are allowed to compete in the final tournament. Team One ended the tournament after five rounds in 9th place overall, while Team Two ended in 16th place.
Coach Dorie Carlson said the Cook County teams started practicing at the beginning of September over their lunch period twice a week and during the bus trip to Mountain Iron for completion.
Coach Carlson said, “Both teams worked well together and showed their true competitive spirit and sportsmanship as they answered very difficult questions against some very tough teams. They represented Cook County well.”
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