
Grand Portage Postmaster Mary Deschampe and customers Tim Cochrane and Rick Anderson (r). Picture courtesy of Desai Abdul-Razzaaq
While attending the George Morrison FDOI in Grand Portage and conversing with two other attendees, they both somewhat suddenly broke from our conversation and asked if I didn’t mind them talking about the postmaster of Grand Portage, Mary Deschampe. I said not at all, and I must say I have never heard customers speak in such high praise and admiration for a postmaster or any public servant. They began to tell me stories about Mary’s tenure as postmaster and her relationship to the community. The emotions that the two gentlemen spoke with I can still feel to this day. They challenged me to go around and ask any local attendee at the event about Mary and they will all say the same. I was even given some great postal trivia as I was informed that Mary was the only postmaster that had a service area in a non-bordering State. Not only is Mary the postmaster of Grand Portage Minnesota but her service area includes Isle Royale National Park, an island off the coast of Lake Superior that is part of the State of Michigan.
At that point I hadn’t yet met Mary and I had them point her out to me. I had to go see and meet Mary for myself as I wondered what it was about Mary that made people feel about her as they did. I introduced myself to Mary and began to mention the two men and some of their accolades for her. In her humbleness she was bashfully embarrassed and ensured me that those two gentlemen were in big trouble. I too fell under Mary’s enchantment and asked her if she would accept to be interviewed after the event for the newsletter. Mary accepted and we went to her nearby post office. Mary shared with me a wealth of information consisting of over 25 years as Grand Portage Postmaster and 10 years as it’s clerk. She shared the story of the local art and artifacts displayed in the office, adding how the nature photos changed the atmosphere and dark energy of all the “Most Wanted” posters and photos that were once displayed. Mary shared many stories about the excellent relationship between the post office and her local customers and how once she was in Canada at a Walmart and a stranger somehow recognized her and excitedly ran up to her saying she had heard so many great stories about her. Mary says, “serving the customers is the very best part of my job.”
I asked SSA Vanessa Ramos what is it about Mary that endears her to so many people. Vanessa said, “Mary is not just a boss but a really nice person that makes work and service easier for the customers. She treats everyone like family.” Again, the heartfelt emotions and sincerity in which Vanessa spoke of Mary was very touching.
I could say much more but sadly don’t have the space in this article. I will say that if you are ever up the Northshore, stop in on Grand Portage and meet Mary Deschampe. You too will discover that very special something … About Mary!!!
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