The Cook County Community Fund, an affiliate fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation, is accepting grant applications through May 1, 2013. This will be the only grant round for the Cook County Community Fund this year.
The Cook County Community Fund supports projects in the arts, community development, education, environment, human services and youth. Grants range from $500 to $2,500.
Within these areas, priority will be given to projects that strengthen community ties between individuals and promote collaboration between organizations within our service area; address underlying causes of community problems; respond to community needs that can be solved or softened by receiving grants of modest or moderate amounts; propose new solutions or responses and require start-up assistance; and seek to create connections among a diverse cross-section of citizens, thereby increasing the community health and hospitality of our region.
Applicants are encouraged to apply for matching funds from other grant-making organizations. Consideration will be given to applicants that are leveraging matching funds.
To be eligible to apply, organizations must be classified as a charitable nonprofit organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or classified as an organization to which contributions may be deducted under Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code and be located in or provide services to residents of the Cook County. To apply or learn more about the funding process, applicants should first submit an inquiry via the website at For more information, organizations can contact the Community Foundation office by phone at 218-726- 0232, or via e-mail at
Cook County Community Fund board members are Howard Hedstrom, chair; Tracy Benson, Mike Carlson, Karen Halbersleben, Richard Olson, Mary Petz, Ann Possis, Amber Pratt, Sue Riley and Ruthanne Hedstrom Vos. For more information on the Cook County Community Fund visit
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