The Cook County News-Herald publishes Matters of Record to inform the public of arraignments and dispositions of criminal cases in which the punishment exceeds $150 and/or ten days in jail and/or includes one year of supervised adult probation. It is the Cook County News- Herald’s policy that this information contains a complete record. Requests for items to be withheld will not be granted.
Dixon Scott Gimpel, 58, Prior Lake, Minnesota, pled guilty on June 13, 2022, to a gross misdemeanor of DWI – Operating a Motor Vehicle with an Alcohol blood Concentration of 0.08 or higher Within 2 Hours of the incident on January 27, 2022. Convicted and Sentenced on June 27, 2022, to Local Confinement (180 Days stayed for two years), two years of supervised probation, and conditions of behavior. Thirty days of Local Confinement can be served with Home Detention Electronic Monitoring or one year of Ignition Interlock. Fines and fees total $2085.
Christopher Russell Pirovano, 21, Wheaton, Illinois, pled guilty on June 27, 2022, to a felony of Fifth Degree Drug Possession (Not Small Amount of Marijuana), on June 20, 2022. Court Decision Continued on June 27, 2022. Requirements include two years supervised adult probation and conditions of behavior. No fines or fees listed on record.
Randel Allen Vernier, 59, Little Falls, Minnesota, pled guilty on May 23, 2022, to a felony of Firearm/ Ammo Possession with Conviction or Adjudicated Delinquency for Crime of Violence, on November 16, 2021. Convicted and Sentenced on June 27, 2022. Sentenced to a staggered sentence with additional confinement components for jail segments and report dates. Committed to Commissioner of Corrections – Adult Department of Corrections in Stillwater, Minnesota, (five years stayed for five years). Local Confinement (90 Days with Credit for time served: 2 Days). Judge may order the jail segment to be stayed if defendant complies with staggered sentencing and files a motion. Conditions of behavior also required. Fines and fees total $185.
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