Cook County News Herald

Many religions share humanistic guidelines

Nelda, maybe it was the heading given to my July 11 letter to the editor (Adults should unteach religious teachings) which provoked your response. You did not address the statements in my letter. I respond to your letter of July 17.

Your admirable, mostly humanistic selection of biblical “guidelines” are shared by many religions and the nonreligious alike. We probably agree that a community is happier and healthier if individuals show respect for each other, for our earthly home and its other living creatures; help not harm each other; are honest and uphold agreements made; share good fortune with those in need; work diligently; make allowances for each other’s foibles and at the same time expect each to bear responsibility for chosen actions, etc.

These lessons in civility begin in preschool, in kindergarten. Yes, fictional stories may reinforce principles, yet it is a disservice to our youth when some religious instruction instills a sense of guilt, shame, and fear of hell for being human. The stories can suppress inherent, independent strength and ability, and instead encourage dependence on and submission to a “God” figure.

When a religion sidesteps critical thinking and instead relies only on faith and worship of a “Lord” “God” it smacks of one more scenario created by men to enslave, to exert power and control over others. History tells how religions, Christianity included, have caused the death of millions when enforcing beliefs.

Our Constitution wisely neither supports nor opposes religious beliefs. Therein lies our treasured religious freedom. Do appreciate the First Amendment of our Constitution. Protect separation of church and state.

Geri Jensen
Grand Marais

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