Cook County News Herald

Maintenance and operation not covered by 1%

I believe that the proposed one percent sales tax, by itself, is a good idea. Themajority of the tax would be paid by visitors to our county. Most areas with large tourism have stadium or other local taxes that go to pay for infrastructure costs. The current Duluth sales tax is over 10% and visitors are accustomed to paying these extra taxes. Much of Cook County’s infrastructure is in place to serve the visitor and I think it proper that those who use it share some of this burden of cost.

It is difficult to oppose the 1% tax since it, and the spending of the proceeds, are supported by fellow citizens with good intentions, attempting to put programs in place to improve Cook County lifestyle.

Nonetheless, I am inclined to vote NO and for the following reasons:

Like many retired folks of the county we live on a combination of Social Security and the taxable retirement funds that we saw fit to provide for these times. Our goal is to not let our retirement funds expire before we do.

I hear folks say that federal and state grants are like free money and are not a cost to us. Even if the grants were free money we always need to fund the maintenance and operation on the projects that they create.

Thismeans more local taxes. Our real estate taxes are about eight thousand dollars now and this represents more than a 100% increase since we built our home. I and other retired people fear the results of the spending that seems so popular right now. And we have lived long enough to affirm the standard that you cannot long spend more than you make.

How about using the 1% proceeds to fund existing county expenses such as hospital capital expenditures. That could reduce rather than increase local taxes. Funding existing expenditures would, I believe, almost insure passage.

Since the plan includes new spending on multiple programs I plan to vote NO.
Chuck Soderholm

Grand Marais

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