As the cold winter approaches and driving becomes difficult, paperback books, DVDs, and audio books on CD can arrive in your mailbox.
The Mail-A-Book service from the Arrowhead Library System (ALS) loans paperback books and other items via the U.S. Mail, free of charge. This tax-supported service provides library items directly to your mailbox including the cost of postage. They arrive in a canvas bag with a return label and prepaid postage.
Who is eligible for this service? Rural residents, people who live in a city without a public library, and homebound residents living in a city with a public library. This service is available to residents of Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods and St. Louis counties.
The Hot Reads for Cold Nights adult winter reading program and the Winter Escape at your Library children’s reading program start Dec. 17 and run through March 29, 2013. A summer reading program, Dig Into Reading, starts in June 2013 for children and teens.
Paper catalogs listing more than 450 items are sent out twice a year to more than 3,000 households who participate. If you are interested in cooking, gardening, audio books, DVDs or children’s items, they also have catalogs listing the titles available from Mail-a-Book. Do you have a favorite author? Mail-ABook can provide you with a list of available titles by that author. Also, Mail-A-Book items are listed in the regional online catalog via the Internet at: http://
Items can be ordered by postcard, e-mail, phone, or a form on the ALS website: www.arrowhead., or by emailing or calling 218-741-3840. If you need large print reading materials, the Arrowhead Library System has a collection of large print books. Mail-A-Book staff are always happy to respond to your questions.
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