Faris and Bonnie Keeling of Duluth had an adventure many northlanders can only imagine—an encounter with a Canada lynx. The Keelings spent the weekend on the Banadad Trail where they said they enjoyed “blue sky, sunny days, and clear, starry nights and skiing and snowshoeing.” However, the highlight of the trip was seeing the lynx.
Reached by phone on March 9, Bonnie Keeling said they spotted the animal far ahead on the trail and quickly leashed their German Shepherd Fernando. Barely “a dot,” the creature dashed into the woods, only to appear back on the trail a few minutes later within 10- 15 yards of the Keelings and their dog. “There it was, a Canada lynx— uncomfortably bigger than we thought they were. For several seconds it carefully examined us with a fierce, intense stare. Then it apparently decided we were harmless and uninteresting, neither predator nor prey—despite ‘Nando’s yipping and whining and straining at his leash, wanting to give chase. It casually turned its back on us, showing off its high haunches, its short, black-tipped tail, and its tufted ears in profile.”
Keeling said it continued leisurely traveling up the trail ahead of them for at least a quarter mile, occasionally stopping and staring back for a few moments, as they followed at a respectful distance.
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