Be it a popular spot like the headwaters of the Mississippi, or an obscure locale well off the beaten path, a new partnership between Lutsen Mountains and Conservation Minnesota has started a discussion about the people’s favorite places in the state.
The easy-to-use web portal allows users to check out recommended locations near wherever they are in the state, and also to upload favorite locations of their own to share with others. The goal is to share information and help people identify more ways to enjoy all of the outdoor opportunities the state has to offer.
“I am always hearing from people that there are places I need to see and things I need to do as I travel around the state,” said Paul Austin, executive director of Conservation Minnesota. “With this tool, we are harnessing tips from all Minnesotans in an effort to showcase our unique outdoor treasures and to help remind everyone how important it is to protect the Minnesota we all love.”
“Lutsen Mountains is proud to be the sole corporate sponsor of the Favorite Places feature on Conservation Minnesota’s website,” said Jim Vick of Lutsen Mountains. “Our commitment is to be one of your favorite places, and we know Minnesotans love their out-of-doors and exploring this great state.”
All Minnesotans are encouraged to check out the site ( and to submit entries, and if possible photos, for their favorite places. They need not be exotic locations – the more diversity in the submissions received, the better a resource it will become for everyone who comes to use the site.
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