The town of Lutsen held the continuation of its annual town meeting on Tuesday, August 21, finalizing its 2013 levy with one addition—a pledge for a $10,000 donation to the Superior Cycling Association if the organization is successful in obtaining a $900,000 grant from the Minnesota Legacy Trails Grant.
The township annual meeting is run by its citizens and at the start of the 6 p.m. meeting a moderator is elected. Molly Hicken was chosen to run the annual meeting and as the agenda was reviewed, the request from the cycling association was added.
About 13 citizens were on hand to hear an update on the fire hall/town hall renovation and expansion. There were questions about the 2013 levy and the 2012 year-todate expenditures.
Hicken asked if enough had been budgeted for November 2012 general election expenses. Treasurer John Groth said the cost is unknown until after the election is completed. Groth said 2012 election costs would end up in the 2013 budget.
A request for $200 from the West End Garden Club was deferred to the regular meeting, which followed the annual meeting at 7 p.m. Lutsen Treasurer John Groth suggested that the garden club be reimbursed from the $3,000 budgeted for the Lutsen Town Park for professional services. At the regular meeting, the town board took Groth’s recommendation and asked Supervisor Ginny Storlie to contact the garden club to let them know they would be reimbursed after submitting an invoice.
Bike association request
Paul Nordlund of Superior Cycling Association presented a map for the proposed Cook County Mountain Bike Trail System. Nordlund said the association is submitting a grant to the Minnesota Legacy Trails Grant program for approximately $900,000 for approximately 12 – 50 miles of bike trails.
Nordlund said the project, which includes primarily single-track trails, would make Cook County a destination for mountain bikers across the nation. He said the community would benefit from the increased tourism from the biking community.
Nordlund asked the township to support the project by donating toward the matching funds needed if the grant is received. The project has received the support of the Cook County – Grand Marais Economic Development Authority and Nordlund said it had been presented to and discussed with the Cook County Commissioners earlier that day. Nordlund said the application is due September 28, 2012. “The application would look all the stronger if it has substantial matching funds from the community,” he said.
Nordlund did not ask for a specific amount, noting that the association would be happy with whatever the township could allocate, whether it was $5,000, $10,000 or $15,000.
Lutsen Supervisor Joe Buttweiler made a motion to contribute $10,000 if the Legacy funds were secured. Supervisor Ginny Storlie seconded. Treasurer John Groth suggested that since the association’s request would be included in the 2013 levy, the township wait until the March 2013 town meeting to decide whether or not—and how much—to donate.
The vote was called and the motion carried to include $10,000 in the 2013 budget for the bike trail system matching funds.
A motion was passed to approve the Lutsen Township levy of $194,485.36. The 2012 levy was $168,695.
Dirt and drain discussed at regular meeting
The continued annual meeting adjourned and the regular monthly meeting convened and dirt and the remodeled fire hall drain were discussed.
Supervisor Buttweiler noted that there was money left in the Lutsen Park budget and he asked if he could hire a contractor to move the pile of dirt in the park near the playground and pavilion. The pile is leftover from construction of the playground. Buttweiler said he would like to see the pile used for fill as needed, black dirt spread and grass seed planted. The town board asked him to proceed with plans to dispose of the dirt and plant grass by the playground.
The floor drain in the existing fire hall continues to be a concern as the fire hall is remodeled. Fire Chief Paul Goettl said County Environment Health Officer Mitch Everson would not sign off on the township using its new septic system until the question of where the old floor drain empties is resolved. Goettl said the township has three options—cementing in all of the holes in the current garage floor; cementing closed the outlet of the holding tank in the current garage; or rerouting the current garage floor’s drains to the new septic system. The drains in the new space have been addressed, but Goettl said a decision needs to be made for the old part of the building.
After quite a bit of discussion, it was agreed that Supervisor Marland Hansen would contact Everson to get his recommendation on how to take care of the floor drain.
Payment for emergency response?
Firefighter Larry McNeally asked the town board to consider charging for services when the Lutsen Fire Department and First Responders respond to an automobile accident. He said vehicle insurance will pay for fire and EMS services. McNeally said he had heard of reimbursements of approximately $400 per call.
Treasurer Groth said the township had actually received calls from insurance companies, asking when they would be billed.
Supervisor Buttweiler said it is an idea whose time has come, however, he said it should be researched to see what other townships are charging and what insurance companies are paying. “We should research and if we do this, we should implement it at the beginning of the year,” said Buttweiler.
Fire Chief Goettl said his department would research this and get back to the board.
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