Cook County News Herald

Lumber camp coming back for Fisherman’s

Photo by Niel Atkinson The popular events at Lumber Camp during Fisherman's Picnic will be back this year.

Photo by Niel Atkinson The popular events at Lumber Camp during Fisherman’s Picnic will be back this year.

The Grand Marais Lions are happy to host the Fisherman’s Picnic Lumber Camp, presented by Wood-Mizer portable sawmills and Central Boiler Outdoor Furnaces.

The site will host sawmill demonstrations, log rolling, chopping, cross-cut sawing and axe throwing. Picnic attendees are invited to come and learn about renewable resources, alternative energy, timber history, lumberjack sports and life in the lumber camps. Additionally there will be open log rolling all day in between exhibitions and ax throwing for adults and children following presentations.

Come see the Central Boiler interactive semi-truck and learn about the world’s best home heating advantage using renewable resources. Also get wet and see a Wildfire Protection Systems sprinkler system in action.

Additionally the Minnesota State Championship log rolling and speed birling tournament will be held Saturday, Aug. 1. The tournament begins at 9 a.m. for the local log rollers and continues with the amateur Minnesota State Championships at 11 a.m. and professional athletes at 3 p.m. Many of the world’s top professionals will compete for over $3,000 in cash and prizes and to win a Husqvarna chainsaw.

The tournament will also host open sawing contests with a traditional cross-cut saw featuring single buck, doubles and mixed doubles sponsored by the Grand Marais Lions and Hedstrom Lumber Co at 1 p.m. on Saturday. Following the sawing will be an ax-throw contest sponsored by Wildfire Protection Systems.

Other fun attractions will include the Husqvarna stock saw chainsaw contest on Friday at 7 p.m. See the best square off headto head with Husqvarna 576XP saws cutting through 24-inch lathe-turned white pine. This exciting contest is open to professionals with significant chainsaw operating experience. There is $500 in prize money (paid out to top 10 finishers) and a Husqvarna chainsaw for the winner.

The event is sponsored by Husqvarna and Steve’s Sports. Come out and see the North Shore’s best and cheer on your favorite sawyer. There will be lots of free stuff for spectators.

Entry fee is $20 pre-registration and $30 day of the event. Pre-registration preferred. Call Niel at 388-0899 or e-mail Niela@boreal. org with questions. Entries mailed to Niel Atkinson, 80 South Clearwater Road, Grand Marais, 55604. Checks payable to Clearwater Logging.

There are over 1000 prizes to give away during the weekend to all of the spectators and participants. Come out and get some great prizes! World Champion Jenny Atkinson will also be signing posters for spectators after every exhibition.

Watch for the Fisherman’s Picnic events issue next week for a complete schedule of Lumber Camp events!

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