Cook County News Herald

Love at First Sight



How long does it take to fall in love? Do you believe in love at first sight or does love grow over time? If so, just how much time is needed to decide if it is true love or maybe just crush? Do you ever ask yourself how your life would be different if you stayed with your first high school sweetheart, married him and lived happily ever after? Let me tell you this, I am here today because my parent did just that.

Recently I visited the North Shore with my son Jack. We had a great time in Grand Marais, walking out along the breakwall, eating Sven and Ole’s pizza and of course, shopping at Ben Franklin. Just as we were about to leave my parents’ house in Schroeder on Sunday morning the doorbell rang and in walked a man I have not laid eyes on in 20 years or more.

It is him I have to thank that I am here today. No, he did not save my life at any time during my wild childhood, but he did introduce my parents. My dad lived in Onamia and my mother was a high school senior at Cook County High all set to graduate in 1961. This great friend convinced my dad to take a trip to the North Shore one weekend just to meet my mom. I believe it must have been love at first sight or at least within the first 72 hours because that’s just how long it took them to fall in love and drive to Duluth to buy a marriage license.



The two of them thought they were pulling one over on my grandparents by buying the license in Duluth. They thought if they bought it at the courthouse in Grand Marais someone would tell. Little did they know the Duluth paper published all marriage license purchases in the paper each day. Mrs. Lamb called my Grandma pronto and let the cat out of the bag. Needless to say, my grandparents were surprised! My Mom was certain she had made the right choice and six days after she graduated from high school she walked down the aisle and married my Dad. His friend stood right by his side as his “best man”—which I think is fitting. Their “love at first sight” still holds strong 49 years later. I am inspired.

Love you Mom and Dad. Thanks Milton!
We were given:

Two hands to hold.

Two legs to walk.

Two eyes to see.

Two ears to listen.

But why only one heart?

Because the other was given to

someone else.

For us to find.


Taste of Home columnist Sandy (Anderson) Holthaus lives on an alpaca farm in South Haven, MN with her husband, Michael,
and their children Zoe, Jack and Ben. Her heart remains on the North Shore where she grew up with her parents, Art and LaVonne
Anderson of Schroeder. She enjoys writing about her childhood and mixes memories with delicious helpings of home-style recipes.

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