On November 17, 2009, Minnesotans will come together for the first “Give to the Max Day” to try to raise as much money as possible for nonprofits in 24 hours. The event was created to increase giving to nonprofits across the state. All donations on Give to the
Max Day will be made through GiveMN.org,
a first-of-its-kind giving Web site that helps d
Minnesotans discover, support and engage with nonprofits. GiveMN also lets donors manage their charitable giving by recording online contributions and storing receipts.
The Bush Foundation, the Minneapolis
Foundation and the St. Paul Foundation are d sponsoring Give to the Max Day and are offering multiple incentives for donors to participate: transaction costs for gifts made on Give to the Max Day will be covered, so 100 percent of gifts will go straight to nonprofits; every donation made on Give to the Max Day will receive a portion of a $500,000 match. The exact amount matched per dollar donated will be determined after Give to the Max Day concludes, and the $500,000 in matching funds will be divided by the total donation amount raised over the 24-hour period.
Grants will be awarded to the three nonprofits that have the largest number of individuals who make donations during Give to the Max Day.
Local non-profits are listed on the giveMN. org website, such as Animal Advocates, Birch Grove Community School, Great Expectations School, Cook County Kids Plus, the Grand Marais Playhouse, Cook County Agricultural Society (the fair), local historical societies, fire departments, churches and many, many more.
To donate to the many Cook County nonprofits involved, visit www.giveMN.org. Enter the name of the charity to which you would like to donate, or just search under “Cook County” to see some of the non-profits available.
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