The Cook County Whole Foods Co-op has joined a statewide campaign to help alleviate hunger.
In past years, Twin Cities area food co-ops have participated in the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign, a program of the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches that provides funds, food and educational materials to over 300 food shelves across the state. Last year the collective members, shoppers and staff gave over $91,000/pounds of food to food shelves in our neighborhoods— the third-most successful corporate campaign in the state.
This year’s collaborative efforts have expanded to include 15 food co-ops throughout Minnesota, not just in the Twin Cities. The Cook County Whole Foods Co-op in Grand Marais is among them.
This means that co-ops across the state will be running similar campaigns for their communities, and the food drive will make an even bigger impact on Minnesotans.
When we’re working together, all it takes is “rounding up” your grocery bill or adding a few dollars onto your total to make a real difference Did you know that one dollar can feed a person for a day? Twenty dollars can feed a family of four for five days. Just imagine the impact statewide when we all give a few dollars to those who are hungry.
Consider dropping off non-perishable food items or a monetary food shelf donation at the co-op in March.
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