Cook County News Herald

Library’s 2022 Summer Reading Program ends on a high note

Library thanks community and partners for supporting reading



Grand Marais Public Library is sending out a huge THANK YOU to the community for supporting the 2022 Summer Reading Program, a nationally coordinated library event recognized for improving the educational performance of its participants. It turned out to be quite a busy summer! The library gave out almost 200 reading logs for kids to track their reading and earn prizes. Over 100 people picked up outdoor activity booklets and literacy scavenger hunts, and the “Where’s Dragon” activity was a weekly hit with 92 total participants. The Pick-up Truck Opera and Celebration Picnic was a resounding success, with 130 people filling the library lawn with music, bubbles, hula hoops and laughter.

Community partners are a huge part of this year’s high levels of participation. The library is especially grateful for the support of these local businesses who helped provide prize books, treats, and picnic food: Cook County Whole Foods Co-op, Drury Lane Books, Gunflint Mercantile, Hungry Hippie Tacos, Java Moose, and Superior Creamery. The Library Friends of Cook County generously sponsored the opera performance and volunteered support during the event.



Community engagement in the annual reading program supports children’s literacy development and helps foster a lifelong love of reading. Research has shown that reading over the summer prevents summer reading loss. “Studies indicate students who read recreationally outperform those who don’t. Students read more when they can choose materials based on their own interests,” said Youth Services Librarian Erika Ternes.

If you haven’t yet turned in your reading log and picked out a prize, there’s still time! Please bring your log to the library by Friday, September 16, 2022, to get a prize. Learn more about the library’s services and programs by calling 218-387-1140 or visit online at

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