We as Americans are witnessing some amazing things these days.
We have seen the Federal Courts of the West Coast commit a “coup d’etat.” So to speak. They have taken away by their “eminent domain” the right of a sitting president of the United States of America to carry out a lawful right to make decisions based on the Constitution and congressional law.
The “Liberal Lunacy” of this country has no bounds. It has no end. It is a non-stop well-Organized well-funded mandate of hate and disruption. It is designed to break up and break apart any cohesion this country has made. You all witnessed it at the D.C. Inauguration, at Berkeley and a zillion other places on the news. The disruptors have stated that their sole purpose is to make the U.S. unmanageable. Really?
This has now become a “Tribal Behavior.” The good and the bad. The right and the wrong. Which is which? Depends on which side of the fence you’re standing on.
The well-funded left-wing by one [George Soros] has made it clear that there will be no peace. Why? Because for eight years the Globalists [George Soros] and former President Barack Obama have had their way. No borders, no rules, total influence on the people of the United States. Do as you please…just like Cook County.
Well, folks, times have changed. There’s a new sheriff in D.C., and he isn’t taking crap from anyone so get used to it. He’s good out of the gate and long-winded.
He’ll be going after George Soros I believe, and continue to set this country back on track. “The Wall” is being built. The “extreme vetting” is now happening. He has two 4-Star Generals serving under him, and they don’t take any crap either.
You all are witnessing a takeover of American government. Back to the people.
This might upset most of you but get over it. Put your big pants on and deal with it. This is the way it’s going to be for the next four years…and I like it.
Go back to your Art Colonies and Fluff Centers and plan some new rebellion. Maybe you can come up with some type of new demonstration that will embarrass yourselves all over again. Maybe some new Pink Hats and “Save me from the evils of Trump” banners? Maybe you should grow up and get a grip on reality and deal with the world as it is? Maybe asking too much?
Maybe you need to move on?
Lloyd Geillinger
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