Cook County News Herald

Larsen to receive Annual Scott A. Keenan Founder’s Award at Grandma’s Marathon

Every year in June a special race called Grandma’s Marathon is held in Duluth, Minnesota. The race first began in 1977 when a group of local runners planned a scenic road race spanning from Two Harbors to Duluth, Minnesota. There were just 150 participants that year, but race founders knew they had discovered something truly unique. Today, Grandma’s Marathon weekend draws approximately 20,000 participants for its three-race annual event. The race got its name from the Duluth-based group of famous Grandma’s Restaurants, the first major sponsor of the Marathon. Over time, the level of sponsorship with the restaurants changed, but the name remained the same. Today, Grandma’s Marathon- Duluth, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization with a 17-member Board of Directors and a nine-person, full-time staff.

This year on June 19, along with the normal pomp and circumstance of excitement, our very own Cook County News Herald Publisher & Editor Brian Larsen will be honored. As part of the original 1977 staff, Brian will be presented this year with the 2021 Scott A. Keenan Founder’s Award. Brian has been deemed, “Longtime Jack-of-all- Trades”, for the race by long-time friend Scott Keenan. As an avid runner and member of the North Shore Striders, Larsen was the assistant race director for the first-ever race. Through his years of involvement, Brian has been tasked with every aspect, (start to finish) of the race weekend. He has helped with overall planning, worked the course and finish line itself, and has assisted with packet pick-up, as well. Although his involvement slowed down after he moved away and started his family in Grand Marais, Larsen’s time and commitment to the race is recognized as vital to both the growth and success it continues to embody. Larsen was inducted into the Grandma’s Marathon Hall of Fame in 2001, and will become the fifth person, this year, to be honored with the Founder’s Award. The award was originally instated in 2016 and is given annually by Keenan as a way of honoring those who have helped to personify the spirit, vision and long history of Grandma’s Marathon. “For me, it’s been a pleasure to see how the race has become part of the fabric of Duluth and the surrounding area,” Larsen said. “Coming back every year is like coming back to family and friends, and this area will always be a special place for me.”

Congratulations, Brian, on your distinguished service to Grandma’s Marathon and this well-deserved honor.

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