Other voices in past letters have, quite correctly, pointed out that “community” is and has been lacking in the community center fiasco. But those voices in my view have been a bit too kind. For the harsher reality is there was no attempt at proactive input sought on community needs or desires, prior. Hand-picked committees neither elected nor representative of the public at large can only presume. Where genuine input from citizenry was volunteered, it was insulted and rebuffed as “coffee-shop gossip.”
When central planning’s chosen discovered their own absence of expertise they were forced with money in hand to buy help. But once again “community” and local talent were insulted, for why should not our own experts have been offered consulting fees for their participation? We have a broad mix of highly skilled local experts: contractors, engineers, materials purveyors who expertly actualize the most exotic of dreams for their customers on a daily basis. Their insights, dedication and diligence to their own community’s project would have been invaluable.
But rather, central planning endorsed the invasion of community by outside experts destined to replay the library experience of sub-residential performance for twice commercial prices. Community voices urging caution were “mediated” into silence during what best can be described as the memorable snake-oil, dog and pony shows.
It is quite repulsive to watch those who proselytized pre-election so fervently on the notions of more local jobs and affordable housing in every pot, importing jobs from elsewhere and ensuring that taxes, thus housing prices will surely rise. Simply gobsmacking to think we are borrowing money to import labor and expertise when local talents are struggling. Such leadership does not have its citizenry and their welfare at heart.
Free money appears to be the aphrodisiac of the starryeyed. Not only have local interests and “community” been lacking but it has at every opportunity been rebuked, disdained and I would even say insulted.
Vilnis Neilands
Grand Marais
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