Cook County News Herald

Knowledge Bowl season under way

On Wednesday, Jan 10, the Cook County senior high Knowledge Bowl team had its first meet, facing powerful competition from a number of teams who went to the State Knowledge Bowl meet last year—International Falls, Marshall, Duluth East, Hermantown, Denfeld and Proctor.

Cook County fielded two teams and both finished quite well, said Knowledge Bowl Coach April Wahlstrom.

Team 1 was Mara MacDonell, Ben Seaton, and Sarah Larsen, who came in first in points with 110.5 points. The Cook County team was followed by IFalls with 108, Hermantown 105.

Team 2 was right behind with 104.5 in 4th place. Team 2 includes Will Seaton, Sean MacDonell and Sterling Anderson.

Coach Wahlstrom said the high-ranking finishes were all the more impressive because teams can have four individuals on a team. Cook County was missing its 11th grade students who were taking a final, so the students who competed were at a disadvantage. They still pulled off a top five finish.

“Things are on the up and up for Cook County,” said Coach Wahlstrom, “State is a goal again.”

Upcoming meets are Feb. 13 and March 6. The tournament to determine State contenders is on March 20.

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