Cook County News Herald

It’s the Holiday Season – Hoop De Do!



I have been struggling to get into the holiday season this year. The tree is up but ornaments seem to be very slow going. Presents are bought but only a few wrapped and don’t even get me going on outdoor Christmas lights. Everything seems to take a mountain of effort. I’ve tried to remedy the situation with hours of Christmas music, taking a class on outdoor patio pot decorating and a full day of the Hallmark Channel in which I just yelled at the television… it’s the same story over and over! You know you love each other! The UPS driver getting stuck in the driveway was the straw that broke the camel’s back! That’s it, done shopping.

Honestly, I don’t know what is wrong with me. Do I need some gingerbread scented candles to bring me out of this funk? This is the first year without any of my children living at home. No one to shake the boxes under the tree or enjoy a cup of spiked hot chocolate in front of the fire. Kids bring joy to the season. Anticipation of Santa and sledding in fresh snow. Without seeing the holidays through a child’s eyes all I see is extra chores to be done and how crunched I am for time. This is the first time I remember feeling this way. It has to stop. Choosing JOY is a decision, not a given.



Here are the steps I plan to take to make sure I don’t let the Holiday Blues catch up with me.

Step One: Every morning be Thankful. Make a plan to accomplish five things today. Choose JOY.

Step Two: GET OUT OF BED. Get dressed and make my bed. That’s one thing done. And start your day with a cup of something warm and delicious.

Step Three: Call a friend or relative and only talk about happy things. Memories, plans, menus… anything as long as it is JOYFUL.

Step Four: Light a candle that smells good. Vanilla, Cinnamon, Gingerbread…. you name it. Get that olfactory glad going. Memories can be triggered by the smell of baking. Candles do the very same.

Step Five: Hug yourself. I know this one sounds silly but it works. Wrap your arms around tightly, close your eyes and remember that you are important.

If all else fails get in your car, turn the radio-loud and sing until you lose your voice. That always works for me. Hugs and Happiness to you! Sandy

“So do it. Decide. Is this the life, you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More Compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out. And decide.” -Meredith Grey

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