Cook County News Herald

It’s all about money

For almost three years now I have followed and studied local politics, tax dollars and its practices. That was pointless. In my travels I have found that this county and its people running it including some of the towns have little in the way of any morals or good decision-making abilities. Some are blinded by self-serving ambitions and of course “your money.”

It has been and continues to be all about money. Who can outdo who with what for the “race” to get the “last dollar” to fund their personal agendas, both in and out of government. It is a “madness” that is self-destructive and self-defeating and never ends. It creates bad feelings and social divides.

News flash… This is not a sport! But people continue to treat it as such.

I have watched local people elected to office in charge of the “people’s money” (a sacred and monitored position) squander tens of thousands of dollars in the name of some stupid self-righteous idea “others” told them was good. That checkbook is the “people’s” yet they treat it as their own. That is a crime.

I have asked the state to launch a “criminal investigation” into the dealings that plague the West End towns currently. What seems to be by definition “collusion” and “deception” is happening out in the open. There is no urgency to even hide it.

Hopefully at some point the law will prevail and these practices will cease and some will go to jail.

With this country spinning out of control for the last eight years this is not too hard to grasp. The “slag” of bad ideas continues. At some point “common sense” might creep back into the thought process. Until then the people of Cook County will continue to reap the benefits of poor decisions. Look at the projected county levy.

Double digits for how many years? Hamburgers costing $14 in Grand Marais (I have the receipt). Birch Grove School “demanding” $60,000 from local towns because they feel it’s necessary and just that you fund their agenda? Nuts!

The list is endless. There is not enough paper to print them all here.

At some point in the near future either people will come to their senses and make good decisions or the county and local checkbooks will be drained beyond repair and the demand for your tax money will continue to “skyrocket.” It’s that simple.

How much can you afford? Is it time to say enough? Your checkbook knows the answer, listen to it. Financial responsibility for some nonprofits and government?

You’re joking, right?

Lloyd Geillinger

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