My parents are the most amazing couple that I know. They argue. They flirt. They love and appreciate one another. Recently my dad suffered a brain bleed. He cannot use his left side at this time. A strong man, working to build a home just two days before this happened, we did not see this coming. Yet they hold each other up through it all. He winked at me and mom from the emergency room bed. Using his right leg to keep his left leg moving only hours after the incident. Move it or lose it is the Anderson Motto. The recommendation is to keep up with intense therapy to regain his strength, but it may be up to a year before dad reaches his full potential. Whatever it takes my mom will be right by his side. An island in the stream.
They have faced adversity before, and my parents know the quickest way to bounce back is to paddle upstream like hell until you break past the rapids. Not everyone shares their strength. When they feel the pull of the current it’s easy to be towed under and get overwhelmed. Look for an island. Rest there until you have the strength to go on. I keep hearing Dolly and Kenny singing “Islands in the Stream” to me as I write this column, and now, I know what they meant. To rely on each other and keep fighting.
I am doubly blessed as I have wonderful parents but also a warm and amazing husband. Mike embraces family as much as I do. He is my island in the stream. We had many vacations with my mom and dad. Hawaii, Alaska, New York and Texas have been some of our favorite destinations. Living together under one roof will not be a problem. My house might be cleaner than ever as my parents like to work. I will feel guilty taking a Netflix binge day now. I see a lot of cribbage and puzzles in our future. Whatever it takes, our family will rely on each other and be islands in our stream. Hugs and Peace, Sandy
“Islands in the stream That is what we are No one in between How can we be wrong? Sail away with me To another world And we rely on each other, ah ha From one lover to another, ah ha” ~ Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers
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