ISD 166 was built to hold 800 students. Currently they have 470 students and project declining enrollment. In short, we have 41 percent more school than needed. Thismeans we pay 41 percent more per student for space, heat, electric, janitorial, maintenance, insurance, etc.
Thisis not a new issue. Theschool board should have downsized to create space for shared space/shared cost which would have raised the levy amount much less.
While I realize how important it is to fund the students, I have a problem funding the school board. Is it reasonable for the school board to ask us to pay inflated costs for another four years so they can continue on, business as usual, not dealing with all of the issues that come
with declining enrollment? That isn’t reality where I work and it shouldn’t be at the school.
ISD 166 hasn’t even told us how they’re going to spend the loot!
I hoped the Community Center Steering Committee, which includes our elected officials, would come to the rescue but they were only interested in the school parking lot for a new building to house the new community center/pool.
Theyfeel the taxpayers’ deep pockets can afford to fund the school with a levy increase, the city with a levy increase, the county with a levy increase, the hospital with a 200 percent levy increase, the present community center, a new community center/pool at the school, the library with expansion, city street assessments, the EDA’s business park bailout of $1.6 million, the EDA’s golf course bailout of about $3 million, Arrowhead Electric’s over $14 million of debt, county administrator, over $100,000 for a biomass study, etc.
Sorry, but the never-ending pot of tax dollars ends here! If our elected officials and boards can’t work together to find reasonable and affordable solutions to issues and help support our school, then I can’t support any of these people or their referendum.
People who pay rent should realize that when real estate taxes go up, so will your rent!
Please vote for change. I support Diane Parker and Lloyd Speck for commissioner, Larry Carlson for mayor and Deb White for school board.
Tod Sylvester
Grand Marais
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