Cook County News Herald

Independent Living services for Grand Marais

The Center for Independent Living of Northeastern Minnesota (CILNM) has opened a satellite office in Two Harbors. Its service area extends up the North Shore to Grand Marais.

All Centers for Independent Living are private non-profit, consumer controlled organizations that provide a variety of services to people with disabilities, (cognitive, emotional, and physical), their families and the community. The core services offered by CILNM are: independent living skills training, advocacy, information and referral, and peer support. In addition, a transition program, nursing home relocation, PCA Choice, public education and an assistive technology lending library/demonstration lab are offered.

For more detailed information regarding services please contact Susan Dettweiler, Independent Living Skills Specialist, at 218-834-6461 or stop by the Access North office at 127 7th St., Two Harbors.

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