Cook County News Herald

I-35 work to be detailed at March 23 meeting

Find out more about I-35 construction plans at a special meeting March 23 in Duluth.

This meeting is sponsored by the Canal Park Business Association, Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce, Greater Downtown Council, and Visit Duluth. The meeting will focus on the possible impacts of I-35 construction on area homes and businesses.

Local residents may also want to attend. “The I-35 corridor most of us take to bypass Duluth, and that our tourists take to come to Cook County, will be under major reconstruction starting this summer. Thismeeting may be of interest to some,” said Cook County Highway Engineer Shae Kosmalski.

The meeting will be held March 23 in the Holiday Inn ballroom, beginning at 8 a.m. Roberta Dwyer, project manager with MnDOT, will give an overview of the project and answer questions.

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