Cook County News Herald

Huge results for Cook County motocross racers

Lance “Boomer” Wilson (left) and Devin Smith of Grand Marais had a great finish in the Northern Series at Echo Valley Motopark in Brookston, Minn. Devin won first place overall in the 250 C class. Boomer won second place overall in the Senior 40+ B class. Congratulations racers!

Lance “Boomer” Wilson (left) and Devin Smith of Grand Marais had a great finish in the Northern Series at Echo Valley Motopark in Brookston, Minn. Devin won first place overall in the 250 C class. Boomer won second place overall in the Senior 40+ B class. Congratulations racers!

In the 2013 dirt bike race season Cook County riders once again showed huge results.

In the Northern Series conducted at the Echo Valley Race track in Brookston, Minn., Lance “Boomer” Wilson of Grand Marais won second place overall racing in the Senior 40+ B class.

Devin Smith of Grand Marais won first place overall in the 250 C class. Smith finished so far ahead that the Northern Series did not even present a second place plaque.

In the District 23 races, which means throughout the entire state of Minnesota, Wilson raced four out of 18 races and placed 12th out of 51 riders overall in the 40+ Senior B Class.

Smith raced four out of 18 races and placed 44 out of 227 riders overall in the 250 C Class.

These are great performances, especially because they could only practice the day before the race at the track. For many years these local racers maintained a practice race track in Colvill, but the “home track” has not been touched for over a year now, since Devin Smith now lives in Wisconsin and other racers, Connor Smith and Jason McDonnell, are busy working. None of them have the time and money required to maintain the local track.

Isaac Twiest of Grand Marais was able to race in three out of 18 races and placed 55 out of 227 riders over all in the 250 C Class. Twiest has a practice dirt track at home.

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