Cook County News Herald

Hovland Fire Department harvest potluck fundraiser

The Hovland Volunteer Fire Department is sponsoring its annual deer harvest potluck supper with a silent auction on Saturday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hovland Town Hall.

The HVFD is hoping to raise more money to help pay for the CO-Oximeter that has been received through a North Shore Health Care Facility grant. The device is a meter that measures if someone has been exposed to carbon monoxide poisoning, and how much. The Oximeter will be available on the Cook County ambulance to be available for all county needs. Any funds raised beyond the cost will be put toward a building fund to help establish new facilities that would update the department to better serve the area for many years to come.

Hovland’s fire protection area has recently been expanded, therefore the need for additional equipment that the current building was not designed to shelter.

Contact Mary Petz at (218) 475-2500 if you or your business wishes to help the cause by providing funds or items for the silent auction. Monetary donations are also welcome.

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