Cook County News Herald

Host dishes for hot dogs


If you have read this column any time, you know I love dogs. We now have four beauties. Not to be rude, but I prefer female dogs and not the tiny breeds. (Several might remember that I tried to Hire a Hitman to kill a Chihuahua in one of my early columns.) Unlike my children Zoe, Jack, and Ben, whom I all love equally, I have favorite dogs. That favoritism depends on where I am in my day. To start, we have a ten-year-old rescue named Tessa. Her primary breed is an English setter, and she is skittish. A simple spoon drop, or bubble wrap pop will send her bolting out the doggie door. Tessa spends all thunderstorms in the bathtub and is my favorite morning dog. She stretches out by my feet and kisses me when I get up. Then she cuddles back in bed, so I have to wait until she’s up for the day to make my bed.

Our newest addition is an eight-year-old mixed breed named Annie. Annie comes from Decorah, Iowa, born and raised by Brynn my father-in-law, Willard. She is now my favorite TV cuddle dog. She has learned to love our cat Salem, but she barks like a superhero if a cat comes on TV. She is saving us from claws and hissy fits. She has vast, sweet brown eyes that make you “Want” to give her a treat.

 The three-year-old English Springer Spaniel was the first dog I claimed for myself. I found Piper at the Swappers Meet as an adorable puppy from a Clearwater Breeder. Of course, I went to the Swappers without the intention of buying a puppy, but that is how it works there. Piper is my favorite Cheerleader! She greets me daily with her fireball energy, her cropped tail beating like a wind machine. She doesn’t take no for an answer, ever. I feel she would be the kind of friend, if human, to throw caution to the wind and backpack all over the country.

And last but by far not least, weighing in at 100 plus is our darling Brynn. Two-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog. Brynn is my favorite because she is “The Most” chill dog I have ever had. She yawns loudly like an older man. Sleeps on a snowbank for hours and, to my recent dismay, can eat a nine by 13 hot dish fresh out of the oven. Only the chewed foil pan was left as evidence. I know part of her love for “people’s food” is my fault because I give her bites of my cooking. She’s a great taste tester and loves everything I make with gusto! I’m going to share some of Brynn’s favorites with you. Keep an eye on the pan if you have a pup in your house! Hugs and Peace, Sandy


“Handle every situation like a dog. If you can’t eat it or play with it, just pee on it and walk away.” – Unknown

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