The annual fall meeting of the Gunflint Hills Golf Club was held on Sunday, Sept. 25 with only 11 members in attendance. President John Lindell conducted the meeting.
Minutes of the May meeting were read and the treasurer’s report was given and accepted. The only major expenditures for the year were for a new grill and paper supplies for the computer and Bob Spry’s work.
The elected officers for 2011 will remain in office for the ensuing year. It was noted that unless others step forward to keep the club active, it will fold. The members now have carried all the activities for years and years. That includes all the leagues, tournaments, social events, etc. The Men’s League and the Senior Men’s League have remained strong, but the women’s teams have dropped to five and so has the Couple’s League.
Officers this year are John Lindell, president; Rosemary Lamson, secretary; Yvonne Benson, treasurer; and board members Vi Rindahl, Lou Goodell, Walt Mianowski, and Ray and Eleanor Sjoberg. Names familiar to you? They should be…many have been there since the club began.
The course will be open until either weather or Manager Mike shut it down. Over 20 Canadians came last Sunday in a group. The fall colors have been gorgeous and flocks of birds migrate through. Enjoy it all before Mike says, “That’s all folks!”
See you on the course!
League winners this summer are:
. Women’s | League | |
1st L | ouise Anderson and | Paule Wannebo |
2nd | Vi Rindahl and Dori | Betts |
. Couple’s | League | |
1st R | od and Paule | Wannebo |
2nd L | en and Lou Goodell | |
. Men’s | Club championship | |
Champ T | odd Gervais | |
Runner-up | Marshall Pederson | |
Low net R | yan Grivette | |
Low net D | ick Christensen | |
runner-up | ||
. Senior | Men’s League | |
1st S | andbo and Fenwick | |
2nd T | . Danielson and S. | Ortman |
3rd | Bob and Jim Spry | |
4th R | . Smith and B. | Newell |
5th T | . Shank and B. Baker |
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