Cook County News Herald

“Home Stretch” Workshop offered

Homebuyers could be eligible to earn $5,000 towards closing and down payment costs on a new home! Cook County residents interested in learning more are invited to join Sandy O’Fallon, from the Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA) on Saturday, June 7 at the 2014 Home Stretch Workshop.

The program, which is sponsored by the Cook County/ Grand Marais Economic Development Authority (EDA), AEOA and the Cook County Chamber, will give the opportunity to learn about homeownership and howyou might be able to become a new home owner.

Workshop topics include:
. Qualifying for a mortgage / loan programs
. Budgeting/credit issues/saving
. Shopping for a home/realtor services
. Professional inspections/appraisals
. Closing/title insurance/homeowners insurance
. Financial responsibilities as a homeowner
. $5000 down payment closing costs free to eligible

The workshop is free, but registration is required. Call Sandy at (218) 999-0828.

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