Cook County News Herald

Holmen places fifth at Western States

Drew Holmen, 30, placed fifth at the Western States 100.2 mile run this year. Holmen was third in 2021, but he ran about thirty minutes faster this year.

Holmen finished the race in sixteen hours and nine minutes (16:09:00). Adam Peterman won with a time of 15:13:48. Drew was 12 minutes behind fourth and 13 minutes behind third place.

Ruth Croft was the first women finisher. She placed 12th overall in 17:31:30. Eleven women finished in the top 30.

Some 383 runners started the race and 303 completed the grueling run.

Scott Jurek, Proctor, Minnesota, has the most wins at Western States. Scott won the race seven straight times from 1999 to 2005

Growing up in Grand Marais, Drew was a multisport athlete who played baseball, hockey and dabbled in cross country running. He admits to “hating” cross country but somewhere down the road he was bitten by the “running bug”.

Following graduating Cook County High School in 2010, Drew attended Carleton College. After receiving his degree in biology, Holmen spent five years in San Francisco before landing in Boulder, Colorado, where he currently lives and trains. While he runs professionally for Nike, Holmen also works for a tech company based in San Francisco, where he is Chief of Staff. Balancing a full-time job and preparing for ultra-marathons, Holmen does the bulk of his running, typically 70-80 miles per week, in the mornings before work.

Western States is the oldest 100-mile trace race. Competitors lineup in Olympic Valley, California and run to Auburn, California. The race climbs more than 18,000 feet and descends nearly 23,000 feet before the runners finish at Placer High School. For those who complete the run in under 24 hours, they receive a silver belt buckle. Sub-30-hour finishers receive a bronze buckle.

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