Cook County News Herald

Holiday Stress?



Age has taught me a lot, and the wisdom I’ve gained helps me cope with stress. I’m more accepting of other people’s shortcomings, and perhaps I’m even more tolerant of my own (and believe me, I have them). I’m also better at seeing what truly matters.

When I was younger, I let the holidays stress me out. I wrote this poem one Christmas Eve when my teenaged sons and husband were little help as I tried to pull together the perfect Christmas for them:

Merry Stressmess
‘Tis the night before
I’m dead on my feet
With stockings to stuff
and a mess to make neat.
I’ve trimmed and I’ve
And I’ve done all the
I’ve written the cards
And I’ve hung the last
It may not be “hung
by the chimney with
But who gives at this
If it’s here or it’s there?
If Santa can’t find it
That’s just too darned
I’ve not had much help
And it makes me so
Santa Clause has his
Helping out all year long,
A team of supporters
A hundred-plus strong.
I do it alone—
The American way
With nary a reindeer,

An elf, or a sleigh.
I guess I enjoy it—
I hate to complain,
But I’d like some assistance
To ease on the strain.
Why can’t someone offer
to wrap a few gifts,
Address Christmas cards,
Or help bake up some
I’m totally stressed
As the “UNDONE” list
Though I try to remember,
“The thought is what
So what if the dishes
Are piled in the sink?
Who cares if the laundry
Is starting to stink?
The house is a mess
and my hair’s gone
I need a massage
And a soothing Jacuzzi.
It’s time to say, “STOP!”
I deserve to sit back.
It’s time for a rest—
I’ll relax by the tree

With a holiday nog
Turn the Christmas
tunes on
Maybe light a yule log.
As I sit here in jeans
And my frayed flannel
I’ll accept that I’m not
Any Martha Stewart
Her house would be tidy
Decor at its peak
With Christmas scents
While my place just
I’ll accept who I am

And let go of the stress.
I’ll welcome tomorrow
Embracing my mess—
A busy house filled with
The people I love,
The traditions I cherish,
And that gift from above.

These days at holiday time I remind myself to focus on the things that matter most in my life—family, friends, good health, good food (well, why not?), and the beauty of this season. I refuse to be undone by worries of baking and decorating the house. In fact, we just broke down and bought ourselves an artificial tree. I never thought I’d see the day, but it’s SO much easier than tromping in the woods to find the best Charlie Brown balsam we can find. Those were good times, but I guess they’re a thing of the past (as are Christmas cards, which I gave up when my sons left home). Yup. Less stress.

I must admit, though, that I’ve allowed myself to be overwhelmed with wrapping and mailing gifts to Australia and Puerto Rico— some stresses I can’t let go of.

No one’s perfect.

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