Cook County News Herald

Higher Ed offers WordPress training

An ongoing user group for those who use the WordPress web design software will launch from 5 – 7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 4, at Cook County Higher Education. This group is open to everyone interested in WordPress.

Familiarity with WordPress is a must. This is not a formal training program for beginners. The group primarily will involve members helping each other work through questions and issues so they can make better use of the software. Amber Pratt and Hayley Brendalen of Northern Wilds Media will serve as group coordinators. Both use WordPress daily and are well versed in its ins and outs.

Our initial plan is to arrange meetings for one evening every two weeks. But the group can make its own decisions about how often to meet and for how long. Members also will be polled on additional formal WordPress training they would like. Higher Ed will arrange to bring in a trainer from Duluth to meet those needs.

Cost for each session will be $5, which allows Higher Ed to cover a portion of its costs. Individuals may be allowed to join later, depending on their skill level and whether they can merge easily into the group’s work.

To register for the new WordPress User Group, please email or call 387-3411. Please register by Friday, Feb. 1.

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