Cook County News Herald

Higher Ed offers small business finance course

On February 3 and 4, 2010, Cook County Higher Education in collaboration with the UMD Center for Economic Development will sponsor Profit Mastery:
Creating Value and Building Wealth,
an internationally-acclaimed seminar for owners, managers, and advisors of small businesses.

The program is designed to help owners and managers of small business better understand financial management and increase their chances of success in today’s difficult economic times. The two-day program will include presentations on financial statement analysis, cash flow planning, planning for growth, cost, volume and pricing issues and determining the right kind of financing for your business. Participants will practice teaching points by using case studies and discussing real-life examples.

The instructor is Jennifer Pontinen, a Business Consultant with the UMD Center for Economic Development Small Business Development Center. Her expertise includes financial planning, analysis and financial business management.

The class will run 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on both February 3 and February 4 at The Landing Restaurant at Devil Track Resort in Grand Marais. Thecost for the program is $299, which includes course materials, lunch on both days and refreshments.

There are Small Business Education Scholarships available through the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation for this course (go to www.dsacommunityfoundation. com). For more information and to register for this event, please contact Cook County Higher Education at 387-3411 or email highered@boreal. org by January 15, 2010.

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