A day-long QuickBooks course will be offered at Cook County Higher Ed on Wednesday, Nov. 14. Instructor is Jennifer Pontinen of the UMD Center for Economic Development Small Business Development Center in Virginia, MN.
The class will cover the basic functions of this best-selling business accounting software for small businesses. This is the same class at the same cost as that offered at the Center for Economic Development in Duluth, minus the expense of a 230- mile round trip.
Cost for the 9 a.m.-4 p.m. course is $109. Register by emailing highered@northshorecampus.org or calling 218-387-3411. To take the QuickBooks course, you will need a laptop on which you have a QuickBooks 2007 version or later installed. If you do not have a laptop with QuickBooks on it, you can reserve a Higher Ed laptop for your use on Nov. 14. There are eight such computers available, first come, first served.
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