The illusion that Cook County is somehow sheltered from the stresses of today’s world is shattered when a community member or visitor is the apparent victim of depression and suicide or when a violent crime occurs.
Depression is a serious illness that can be deadly. Experts estimate that at least 70 percent of suicides are a result of untreated depression. Untreated depression in adults can also lead to unemployment, financial problems, divorce or substance abuse. In young people, it can cause problems at home, in school and with friendships.
If you have three or more of these symptoms, PLEASE get screened for depression. There are a number of caring, professional mental health practitioners in Cook County that you can talk to. Contact the Human Development Center at (218) 387-9444 or the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic at (218) 387-2330 to find one who can help you.
The Human Development Center in Grand Marais offers the following warning signs:
. Feeling sad or blue much of
the time
. Sleep problems – too much,
too little
. Food issues – eating too
little or too much, weight
gain or loss
. Irritable or grouchy much of
the time
. Difficulty concentrating,
focusing, or paying
. Feeling worthless or
. Losing interest, dropping
out, or not having energy
for former activities
. Restlessness, difficulty
staying still
. Physical complaints,
digestive problems,
headaches, stomachaches
. Suicide thinking, or ever
having attempted suicide
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