We are writing to continue the discussion regarding seaplane rides originating in Grand Marais harbor. We concur with the visitor’s comments regarding the disturbing drone of full-throttle airplane engines over the harbor. There are a very limited number of beautiful days on the shores of Lake Superior…it is on those exact same days we too are plagued by the frequent noise of planes taking off in the harbor and flying just a few hundred feet above the water in front of our residence.
The “SEAPLANE RIDES” flyer that was printed under Historical Reflections in the News-Herald on October 6, 2012 reflects exactly that…history. In the 1960s there were no condominiums, fewer hotel/motels and very little development along the shore.
Seaplane rides should originate at the Headquarters Base on Devil Track Lake. This headquarters was established for that purpose. We know it is legal to pilot a plane in the harbor and believe it is fine to have this option, especially for visitors to the area. We do, however, strongly object to someone conducting a flying business out of the harbor. This operation destroys the peace and quiet that attracts visitors and residents to this area.
If the city of Grand Marais feels it should continue to permit an airport business in the harbor, it should be restricted to events such as the 4th of July celebration and Fisherman’s Picnic…not a seven-day per week operation all summer and fall.
Why should one person profit at the expense of many? Noise pollution is a legitimate concern in our society. There are many cities that enforce noise pollution ordinances. We believe it’s time Grand Marais limit the number of noise generating entities.
Tim and Mary Boyd
Grand Marais/Afton
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