On Thursday, December 15 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Robbie Hass, our Cook County Highway Engineer, will host a meeting utilizing community members to help create a vision for improvements to the Gunflint Trail. This activity, done with the help of our team of consultants from LHB, AFLA, and Toole Design, will provide both business owners and residents living adjacent and in proximity to the Gunflint Trail an opportunity to share their ideas of how to improve our beloved Gunflint Trail.
Engineer Hass is working on a $25 million grant to make these improvements through a federal grant. He stated at a recent meeting of the Gunflint Trail Scenic Byway Committee (GTSB), “This is once in a generation funding that we have an opportunity to access,” to help develop the trail in terms of safety improvements, creation of additional pullouts with educational kiosks, wider shoulders in particular locations to improve safety…the possibilities are endless. Hopes are that many individuals will attend the meeting or watch what will be a recorded presentation and provide input and suggestions online.
The impetus for applying for the federal grant came out of meetings dealing with safety concerns in the mid-trail area. These meetings have been ongoing for about a year now. Knowing there was a need for repaving at the far end of the trail, as well as potential infrastructure changes mid-trail due to safety issues, including possible relocation of mailboxes, striping for crosswalks, …Robbie started to think BIG. With a grant of $25 million, work could be accomplished along the entire length of the Gunflint Trail.
The time frame is short, with the grant application due within about three months of the “window” opening. The Highway Department has completed some speed surveys, spoken to a variety of lake and property associations, the GTSB, and has already gathered many ideas. The Sheriff ’s Department has provided some input, as well. But they want all voices at the table and all ideas shared before finalizing the grant application.
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