Cook County News Herald

Great season for Junior Varsity Knowledge Bowl team

The Cook County Junior Varsity Knowledge Bowl team has done well in competitions to date. The team members are (L-R) Morgan Weyrens- Welch, Libby Zafft, Danielle Hanson, Sean MacDonell (behind), Brenna Hay, Will Seaton, and Pete Summers. On November 20 the team will be heading to the regional tournament.

The Cook County Junior Varsity Knowledge Bowl team has done well in competitions to date. The team members are (L-R) Morgan Weyrens- Welch, Libby Zafft, Danielle Hanson, Sean MacDonell (behind), Brenna Hay, Will Seaton, and Pete Summers. On November 20 the team will be heading to the regional tournament.

Cook County scholars have once again demonstrated their great wealth of knowledge at the Junior Varsity Knowledge Bowl competition, an academic competition geared for students in 9th and 10th grades.

The questions tackled during the competition include the content that is taught in 9th and 10th grades but can also include topics and questions from previous years of school.

Members of the JV Knowledge Bowl team are Libby Zafft, Brenna Hay, Danielle Hanson, Sean MacDonell, Will Seaton, Pete Summers, and Morgan Weyrens-Welch.

Knowledge Bowl Coach April Wahlstrom said this is a strong team that has won every competition so far.

On November 20, the team will be attending the regional tournament. “Currently, we are rated number one as we have beat teams such as Virginia, Cloquet, Harbor City, Hermantown, Mesabi East, International Falls, and Hibbing,” said Coach Wahlstrom. “At this level larger schools are not separated out from smaller schools so they compete against a variety of schools. They have come to earn a positive reputation at these competitions. Other teams are impressed with our students and other coaches talk about how strong the team is.

“They really work well together. With each question they discuss and use each other’s knowledge, which is fun to watch,” said Wahlstrom.

“We wish them luck for the coming tournament!” added Wahlstrom.

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