Cook County Law Enforcement received a call at 12:58 p.m. on September 14 reporting an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accident near the Grand Portage Lodge.
The driver, Timothy Don Anderson, 53, Grand Portage, was operating a 2011 Can-Am 400. According to Cook County Law Enforcement, he was driving down a steep incline at 3 – 5 miles per hour, while leaning forward. When he reached level ground, the machine flipped over on him. Anderson was able to push the ATV off his body and was able to drive home, where he asked a friend to call an ambulance.
The Grand Portage Ambulance responded to his home and transported him to Cook County North Shore Hospital. His injuries were non-life threatening.
The accident was investigated and Cook County Sheriff ’s Office Chief Deputy Leif Lunde said no charges were filed.
The ATV Safety Institute, a not-forprofit division of the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, reminds ATV riders that riding on hills improperly can cause loss of control or cause an ATV to overturn. The ATV Safety Institute advises riders to always check terrain carefully before starting down any hill. Choose a downhill path as straight as possible, with a minimum of obstacles. Shift your weight to the rear and if necessary, use a low gear. Keep the speed low, use gradual braking and look ahead. For more information about safe ATV riding, visit or the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website
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