Grand Marais Library Director Linda Chappell was delighted to receive the plaque recognizing the library’s 5-star status last week. When Chappell asked some families at the library if they would be willing to be in a picture announcing the award, the answer was a resounding, “Sure, we love the library!” In the photo are (L-R) Cooper, Danny and Ceira Garcia, Library Director Chappell, Carrie, Birk (on Carrie’s lap) and Lute Jansen.
Grand Marais Public Library Director Linda Chappell recently announced that a “Five Star” rating has been achieved by the Grand Marais Public Library for the fifth consecutive year.
The Library Journal creates the star rating index, using the latest available Institute of Museum and Library Services data. The journal released its 2012 Index of Star Libraries in November, based on data from 2010.
The index uses statistics in four areas to compare libraries with other libraries in the same budget category. Chappell said, “This comparison benefits the Grand Marais Library because we can see how well we are supplying services in comparison to services other libraries are supplying with the same budget dollars. Grand Marais Library’s peer group includes libraries with a budget between $200,000 and $399,999. The Ely Public Library is in our peer group and earned three stars.”
The Grand Marais Library’s yearly circulation amount was 45 items per person, 39.3 visits to the library per person, 0.60 program attendance per person, and 9.6 internet terminal uses per person in 2010, based on a population total of 1,424.
Director Chappell added, “It will be interesting to see what happens in 2013 when the star index will be based on 2011 statistics. The Library was temporarily housed at Cook County High School that year for six months during our remodeling project. Business was down about 5% that summer.”
The star rating index also shows that the national recession has driven an increase in circulation and visits to public libraries.
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