I’m sure most of you people have been watching history unfold in Washington, D.C. these last weeks. It’s disturbing on levels our parents didn’t even think about.
Over 50 billion dollars of our money given away this year by the State Department to foreign countries. Several millions of your dollars spent on Obamacare and it doesn’t work. Countless people have lost their healthcare because insurance companies have bailed. Millions spent by the NSA to spy on you and everyone else. The Feds are still printing $85 billion a month of our money, making our currency worthless.
It’s “government gone mad.” Lawmakers came up with H.R. 645 because they care about you? I don’t think so (look it up).
Then it was leaked that DHS had purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammo. They claimed it was for target practice for the 70 federal agencies that are armed.
Then when they tried to explain that one away, it was leaked online in the U.S. Army FM 3.39.40 (field manual). It’s titled Internment & Resettlement (read that). People in Washington have plans for you and have sold you out!
This is a dark time in our history and the liberal mainstream TV and media, including this paper, will not talk about it (too scary). Read Fox News, Reuters, RT, The Blaze on the “Net” to get stories the others won’t carry or manipulate.
Don’t be fooled anymore by the two-headed snake in D.C. The Dems & GOP have played you for years and they have done it well. And some of you are going nuts over highway rumble-strips? You need to focus…..
Lloyd Geillinger
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