There are a number of opportunities for community members to help others this holiday season in very easy ways.
The youth group at Bethlehem Lutheran Church continues its winter coat drive through December 20. If you have a new or nearly-new warm winter jacket that you are not using, consider bringing it to Bethlehem Lutheran to be shared with someone who needs it. The youth group is also collecting hats and mittens.
The outerwear will be delivered to the Damiano Center in Duluth, which provides services to community members in need.
Lake Superior Trading Post is winding down it shoe collection efforts. The trading post is collecting new and lightly worn shoes for Soles4Souls, a nonprofit that distributes shoes to people all over the world—to places such as Kenya, Thailand, Haiti, Nepal, etc.
But this year much of the footwear will go to people living in states affected by Hurricane Sandy and the super storm that affected much of the East Coast.
Eric Humphrey, his sister Stephanie Anderson and his mother Linda Zenk, who own the trading post will donate a new pair of shoes for every pair donated. Lake Superior Trading Post will collect shoes from now until December 12.
Finally, the North Shore Federal Credit Union is helping meet a need at the local food shelf. Credit Union spokesperson Tanya Eliasen said after hearing that the food shelf is having difficulty keeping up with the demand, the credit union decided to accept cash donations for the food shelf. The credit union will match the cash donations, up to $500. The Grand Marais branch of the North Shore Federal Credit Union is also accepting food donations under the Christmas tree in the lobby.
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